Which sentence is the right one? (2025)





  • Oct 26, 2010
  • #1

- We got married a year after we had fallen in love.
- We had got merried a year after we fell in love.

  • pops91710

    Senior Member

    Chino, California

    English, AE/Spanish-Mexico

    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #2

    Right for what and to whom? They both mean the same thing.



    New Member



    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #3

    I would rather say

    We got married a year after we fell in love, but I am not an native English speaker.





    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #4

    so both means the same???



    Senior Member


    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #5

    The first one is grammatically correct.





    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #6

    and the second one?



    Senior Member


    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #7

    After thinking for a while, I would most likely say "We got married a year after we fell in love", just like vickyzyd suggests. The second one seems a bit strange as a stand-alone sentence.


    Senior Member



    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #8

    Hello, Yoshimoncho. If I understand your question correctly, you're interested in learning whether it's acceptable to mix the simple past with the past perfect in one sentence. Here's a link to a page with many previous threads on this topic: http://www.wordreference.com/definition/past+perfect+simple+past

    As the topic is a fairly big one, it would be a good idea to look through several of these threads before you make up your mind about your sentence.





    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #9

    - We got married a year after we had fallen in love.
    - We had got married a year after we fell in love.

    Hi, I'm not a native speaker but I will give you my feedback from my point of view.

    I think the first sentence is correct because we use the Past Perfect Simple tense to show that an action took place before another action in the past. So, first you fell in love with each other and then you got married.

    Sometimes, when the order of the actions is obvious due to the context of the sentence, the first action can also be put in the Past Simple tense, instead of being put in the Past Perfect Simple tense. So, the second sentence would be: We got married a year after we fell in love. Now, if in the wider context the action of "getting married" is mentioned as having happened before another action, then I believe that "We had got married a year after we fell in love." would also make sense.

    Hope my answer is not too complicated. I'm just trying to follow the grammar book rules, as I'm not a native speaker.





    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #10

    im asking this cause there is one exercise in my book that says:

    Past Perfect for the earlier event
    Join these sentences using the word in brackets. Put the earlier event into the past perfect.
    The audience left. The film finished.
    (after) The audience left after the film had finished.

    now my question:
    We fell in love. We got married.



    post mod (English Only / Latin)


    English - US

    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #11

    yoshimoncho said:

    - We got married a year after we had fallen in love.
    - We had got married a year after we fell in love.

    As pops suggests, whether you would use one of these or the alternative that has been suggested depends on the context. Among other things, your choice will be affected by the tense of the verbs in the sentences preceding this.

    A side note: I believe this is acceptable in British English:

    We had got married a year after we fell in love.

    But in American English we would say:

    We had


    married a year after we fell in love.

    Added: I didn't see the above question before I wrote this. However, the same observation applies. What are the sentences before and after the one you are constructing?





    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #12

    yoshimoncho said:

    im asking this cause there is one exercise in my book that says:

    Past Perfect for the earlier event
    Join these sentences using the word in brackets. Put the earlier event into the past perfect.
    The audience left. The film finished.
    (after) The audience left after the film had finished.

    now my question:
    We fell in love. We got married.

    I think your clarification helps, so I'll stick to my first suggestion: "We got married one year after we had fallen in love".


    Senior Member

    Madrid (Spain)


    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #13

    yoshimoncho said:

    - We got married a year after we had fallen in love.
    - We had got merried a year after we fell in love.

    We got married a year after we had fallen in love. Which sentence is the right one? (4)
    We had got married a year after we fell in love. Which sentence is the right one? (5)
    We had got married a year BEFORE we fell in love Which sentence is the right one? (6) (Fortunately, we eventually fell in love Which sentence is the right one? (7)).



    post mod (English Only / Latin)


    English - US

    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #14

    We bought our house in 1997, the year our first child was born. We had gotten [AE = BE got] married a year after we fell in love, when we were both still students. It was a long time before we could afford to move out of the small apartment we lived in then.


    Senior Member

    English UK

    • Oct 26, 2010
    • #15

    yoshimoncho said:

    im asking this cause there is one exercise in my book that says:

    Past Perfect for the earlier event
    Join these sentences using the word in brackets. Put the earlier event into the past perfect.
    The audience left. The film finished.
    (after) The audience left after the film had finished.

    now my question:
    We fell in love. We got married.

    I'm quite sure the answer expected is
    Event 1: fall in love
    Event 2: get married
    > We got married after [one year after] we had fallen in love.

    But as much of this thread demonstrates, other options are possible in the real worldWhich sentence is the right one? (9).

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    Which sentence is the right one? (2025)
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